I've been really quiet lately, but I have to admit....I've been locked out of my account. While I am admitting things, I need to pull my foot out of my mouth or perhaps my fingers off the keyboard!
Anyhooo. I was digging through my newly acquired stash, and ran across the block I was so upset about. The one that was called, "Civil War." Well, the darn thing is civil war fabric in the middle. While the person I heard was correct, I wish she would have shown me my block and explained my error. It would have been better than over hearing the comment, but she was right. Live and learn. Tip of the day, don't buy fabric for a project when you are tired of looking at fabric, flustered, and just want the heck out of the store. The nearest bolt of fabric will look wonderful, whether appropriate or not.
Well, that's it for me. While it is Sunday, I have work to do. Perhaps I will get it done and have some free time. Not so sure about that....the husband is wanting assistance fencing. I might want to really think about how fast I want to get my work done........
Until the next time I feel I need to have "hoof in mouth disease"......