I really think the quilting community should lobby to make quilting an Olympic event. The amount of precision needed to make a quilt is amazing. Have you really ever thought about it? It hit me today as I tried to cut out 2.5" squares.
Quilting requires precision from the beginning to end. The pieces have to be cut exactly as directed. Then the pressing, and I mean "pressing." If you dare to iron, you have just shot yourself in the foot. Take a piece of fabric with a directional print and iron it. The print ends up being "wonky." (Ask me how I know!) Sewing requires an exact 1/4" or scant 1/4" seam. One mistake in any of the process and everything gets out of whack. I think quilting is an under appreciated art. The more I try to quilt, the more I think I should find another hobby, but I am too stubborn to give up. I do have one quilting "super power." I can make an error so fast your head will swim, and as soon as I correct that error, I find a new way to make one!
I think I am the only person that can cut something crooked with a rotary cutter, cutting mat, and quilting ruler. I found a new method - PAINTERS TAPE! My new buddy. If I tape the fabric to the cutting mat, it does not slip around. I only have to worry about not keeping the cutter next to the ruler and keeping the tips of my fingers. I never have enough hands......
Well, enough of my blunders for the moment. Don't worry, I'll be back with my latest mistake soon enough. The guild is having their new block of the month for the February meeting. It is called, "Circle of Friends." The tutorial can be found here: Emerald Coast Modern Quilt Guild Kira does the tutorials, and she does an excellent job. As long as you aren't me, the block should come out exactly as it looks before the tutorial.
At our last guild meeting, we had a secret "little zippered pouch" swap. The pouch my partner made was perfect. I'm not able to put up pictures at the moment, but I am sure some will be up soon at That's Sew Creative.
I had some pictures to post, but I can't get them from the camera to the computer. I am learning this too. I'll get the hang of it sooner or later. (Most likely later...)
Your post are a hoot!! Love your humor!